Alpecin Grey Attack Coffein & Color Shampoo

Questions and answers

Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo is best suited for light brown to black hair as a natural hair color. The innovative repigmentation technology with the active ingredient 5,6-DHI ensures that the hair gradually becomes darker. At the same time, the caffeine complex prevents hereditary hair loss.

Grey Attack is perfect for men who have their first or already slightly gray hair. With Grey Attack, you can easily get gradually darker hair again when washing your hair - without a long application time or complicated handling. The color effect becomes more intense with regular use and does not wash out again. Daily use with a two to five-minute application time is recommended. Once the desired color result has been achieved, the shampoo can be used alternately with a normal shampoo.

Yes, Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo is suitable for daily hair washing. The shampoo should saok in for 2-5 minutes. The active ingredient 5,6-DHI accumulates in the hair during shampooing and reacts with the oxygen in the air to form a color pigment. This creates a permanent color effect that does not wash out but grows out with the hair. As the hair gradually becomes darker over a few weeks, the shampoo can be used alternately with a normal shampoo as soon as the desired color result has been achieved. To provide the hair with its daily dose of caffeine, you can use our C1 Shampoo and/or Caffeine Liquid.

The result depends on the condition and the amount of gray hair. It is important to leave the Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo on the scalp for 2-5 minutes - from application to rinsing. The color effect and caffeine absorption increase with the exposure time. The color effect only appears with regular use and becomes visible after 2-4 weeks of daily use.

Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo helps to darken the hair. Depending on the original hair color, the result may not meet your expectations if the hair was previously blonde and now looks darker, for example.

The Grey Attack Shampoo from Alpecin is not a classic colorant and can therefore be used without fear of discoloration. Neither the scalp nor hands become discolored when washing the hair.

To avoid discoloration of surfaces in the shower, sink or towels, shampoo residues should be rinsed off thoroughly. No discoloration is to be expected after rinsing and drying the hair.

Use Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo daily and leave it in for two to five minutes - from application to rinsing. The color effect becomes more intense with the length of the application time. Once the desired color effect has been achieved, the frequency of application can be reduced to maintain the result. Depending on the length of the hair and the initial hair color, it may vary slightly how quickly the effect is visible. The first results can generally be seen after 2-4 weeks of daily use.


Alpecin Tuning was developed to keep dark hair darker for longer. It is suitable for men who do not yet have gray hair or have discovered the first gray hairs and want to conceal them. The color effect intensifies with every application and washes out again with a normal shampoo, as the color pigments only attach to the hair from the outside.

The color effect of Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo is significantly stronger. It contains the active ingredient 5,6-DHI, which reacts with the oxygen in the air and ensures that color pigments can form in the hair. Our Grey Attack Caffeine & Color Shampoo is therefore suitable for men who already have grey hair and want to gradually achieve darker hair again without looking dyed.

Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo has been specially developed for scalp hair. The color effect can also be seen in the beard hair if it is used over a longer period of time and the beard hair gets accordingly long.