Which shampoo to prevent hair loss?
Many men feel anxious when they first realise that their hair is receding or if others point out thinning hair on the back of their head. The fear of going bald causes them to search for a solution to prevent progressive hair loss.
Household remedies, medication or even a hair transplant? The use of a caffeine shampoo is not only simple, but also effectively prevents further hair loss.
Counter progressive hair loss by daily washing
An effective method for preventing hair loss which is also suitable for daily application is the use of a shampoo which contains the highly potent agent "caffeine". When washing your hair these and other agents arrive by the simplest route to the area whether they are required, namely the hair roots. Local, i.e., topical use virtually rules out any side effects in the body. To enable the caffeine shampoo to take effect, it has to be used daily and left on for two minutes.
Not all shampoos are the same
When looking for an anti-hair loss shampoo at the chemists or supermarket, you are faced with an overwhelming array of hair care products. Yet only a small number of these products are specifically designed to tackle hereditary hair loss in men.
Many of the shampoos "only" supply the hair with nutrients to make it stronger. Whilst these products aren't harmful, they fail to combat the negative influence of testosterone on the hair roots.
When choosing a shampoo it is important to look at the ingredients to ensure that they have been scientifically proven to help prevent hair loss. Zinc and niacin (vitamin B3) encourage the energy metabolism and thus also the supply of vital nutrients to the hair roots. If caffeine is also added to this combination, then users are guaranteed an effective overall solution which provides the hair roots with new energy. The first choice to prevent hair loss is therefore a caffeine shampoo
The range of caffeine shampoos also includes the right product to suit al needs and scalp types.
Caffeine shampoo vs. coffee and co.
At this point it seems natural to ask whether consuming caffeine-based food and drink would also have the same effect. Unfortunately that is not the case, if caffeine has to pass through the digestive tract it doesn't end up where it is needed. Even if you drank around 50 cups of coffee a day, the caffeine would not be able to penetrate into the
hair roots. With a shampoo or tonic, the caffeine is taken precisely where it is needed: to the hair roots.
Caffeine shampoo? How does it work?
The positive effect of caffeine against hair loss was proven for the first time in 2004 by the Alpecin research team headed up by laboratory manager Dr. Klenk. Spurred on by this breakthrough, Alpecin developed the first caffeine-based hair care products for men. Today, caffeine is the oldest known and most intensively researched agent against hair loss.
The energy-boosting agent goes directly to the hair roots when washing with a caffeine shampoo. Here the influence of DHT is blocked and, at the same time, hair growth is promoted.
The shampoo becomes effective when left on the scalp for 2 minutes. During this time, the caffeine builds up in the hair roots to form a depot which is sufficient for 24 hours. This is why a caffeine shampoo must be applied every day. If use of the caffeine shampoo is interrupted or stopped, protection against DHT is lost and hair loss starts over again. Hair loss is reduced and the hair feels stronger after just three months of daily use.
If you don't have the time or motivation to wash your hair daily or if you want to complement use of the shampoo, suitable supplementary products can also help raise the caffeine level. Caffeine liquids, such as tonics, are massaged directly into the scalp. Once applied they are not washed out.